How do we make an impact in the community?

Friends of Chester County and the Small Enterprise Research Foundation sit at a unique intersection of community engagement, economic development, and public policy. We impact the community by bringing together small businesses, community banks, churches, political candidates and lawmakers, as well as other community members and leaders. Our networking events and workshops provide small enterprises with a chance to connect with customers and local political leaders. Our research furthers policy aims and provides opportunities for students.

Where does my donation go?

Your donation goes to funding events that help small business owners connect with each other and their customers, learn about policies that impact them, and rise to new levels of success. Your contribution also funds targeted research and learning opportunities for college students interested in studying small business economics through internships and grants. We do not directly fund political campaigns or lobby for particular legislation.

Why were we orginally founded?

Friends of Chester County was originally founded to support local political candidates who advocated for small businesses. Later, we realized that our impact could be greater by supporting the businesses themselves and by raising awareness around policy issues through research and advocacy. Our mission is to support the health and growth of small and medium sized enterprises, including businesses, churches, local media, community banks, and local organizations such as the VFW and American Legion.

How can I get more involved?

The primary way you can support our work is through donations, which in turn are spent directly in the community. Equally important is donating your time by supporting our events, workshops, and community outreach efforts. Contact us if you are interested in volunteering.